Suicide is the act of intentionally taking your own life. Suicidal feelings can mean having abstract thoughts about ending your life or feeling that people would be better off without you. Or it can mean thinking about methods of suicide or making clear plans to take your own life.

If you are feeling suicidal, you might be scared or confused by these feelings. You may find the feelings overwhelming.Did you know animals commit suicide as well, take and look why dik-diks commit suicide after its partner dies

While it has not been proven that non-human animals do, or even can, die by suicide, many animals behave in ways that may seem suicidal. There are anecdotes of animals refusing to eat in periods of grief or stress. Some social insects have been known to defend their colony by sacrificing themselves

Dik-diks are tiny antelopes that vary in color depending on their habitat but are typically yellowish-gray to reddish-brown on its back and grayish-white on their belly. Males have horns that are ringed and stout at the base, which are often concealed by a tuft of hair on their forehead. These antelopes have beautiful, large, dark eyes surrounded by a white ring. And while their eyes are stunning, they provide more than just sight. Preorbital glands appear as a black spot below the inside corner of each eye. These glands produce a dark, sticky secretion used to scent-mark their territories.

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Dik-diks are herbivores whose diet mainly consists of foliage, shoots, fruit, and berries. They receive sufficient water from their food, making drinking unnecessary. They also have the most concentrated urine and driest feces of any ungulate

Like other dwarf antelopes, dik-diks live in monogamous pairs on territories of 1–35 hectares (2–86 acres), depending on cover and food resources. The best habitat supports up to 20 dik-diks per square km (52 dik-diks per square mile). Territories are demarcated with dung and urine, which are deposited in a ritual that also serves to maintain the pair bond.

One of the most wholesome facts about this incredible animal’s life history is that they mate for life! Dik-diks will live out their lives in pairs along dry, rocky stream beds in low bush areas, which provide a variety of hiding places.

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Dik-diks frequently commit suicide after the loss of a loved one due to the intense pain they feel and the social exclusion it causes. When a woman has just given birth, this norm is strictly adhered to. Most children aren’t ready to fully break away from their parents until they reach adulthood.

They are so easily killed by other animals that the warden dik-diks estimate their lifespan at little more than four years. Moreover, gloves are made by employing a brutal technique that requires working with the skins of these creatures….S££ MOR£

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