Women often find it hard to express their feelings, so they show their love through actions and behavior. When a woman is deeply in love with you, she’ll start giving you subtle hints, like asking you out or revealing her desire to be with you. Here are  signs that she’s head over heels for you:

1. She showers you with gifts and money

A woman in love will go the extra mile to win your heart. She’ll give you her last penny to prove her love for you.

2. She gets jealous when you’re with another woman

This is a clear sign that she wants you all to herself. You’ll see the desire in her eyes when she sees you with someone else.

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3. She bombards you with messages and calls

A woman who’s smitten will keep you on your toes with constant calls and messages. She’ll want to know how you’re feeling and what you’re up to every minute of the day.

4. She loves spending time with you

You’ll notice her hanging around you all the time, even on weekends and Sundays. She’ll find excuses to be with you and enjoy your company.

6. She supports you unconditionally

When a woman is deeply in love, she’ll support your dreams and desires with all her might. She’ll go to great lengths to help you achieve your goals and be your rock in tough times.

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7. She shows affection through her actions

A woman in love will show her affection through her behavior, like cooking your favorite meals or surprising you with small gestures. She’ll make sure you feel loved and appreciated every day….S££ MOR£

See The Only Apostle Of Jesus Who Couldn’t Be Kílled, He Was Boiled In A Hot Oil But Didn’t Díe

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