In a recent post on Facebook, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome encouraged Christians to fully embrace their new identity in Christ, emphasizing that believers have been transformed from mere humanity to eternity. This transformation, he explained, makes Christians incorruptible, indestructible, and imperishable, shielding them from failure, defeat, and death.

Pastor Chris highlighted the importance of maintaining a consciousness of this eternal life, urging believers to internalize the truth that their spiritual rebirth through Christ grants them a life that transcends physical limitations and mortal challenges. He referenced Romans 8:10 to reveal that, despite the mortal body’s susceptibility to sin and death, the Spirit infuses life into believers due to righteousness.

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His teachings consistently focus on the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection and its implications for believers, promoting a life of faith, righteousness, and spiritual consciousness. By encouraging Christians to adopt this eternal perspective, Pastor Chris aims to foster a deeper understanding of their divine nature and the limitless life that Christ offers. This perspective, he believes, is crucial for living a fulfilled and victorious Christian life.

According to him, “As a Christian , you’ve been brought from humanity to eternity, which means you’ve become incorruptible, indestructible and imperishable; you’re not subject to failure, defeat and death! This should be your consciousness—a consciousness of life through the Spirit just as the Bible says that if Christ is in you, even though the body may be dead because of sin, the Spirit gives it life because of righteousness (Romans 8:10). Be eternal life conscious. Glory to God.”….Seë_Morë

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