Cotton buds, also known as cotton swabs, are commonly used to clean the ears. However, this practice is not recommended by healthcare professionals and can cause harm to the delicate inner ear. Here are several reasons why you should avoid using cotton buds to clean your ears:

1. Damages delicate skin and eardrum

The skin inside the ear canal is delicate and using cotton buds can cause damage, scratches, and abrasions. Moreover, if the cotton bud is pushed too far into the ear, it can puncture the eardrum and cause permanent damage, pain, and hearing loss.

2. Pushes earwax further into the ear

Instead of removing earwax, cotton buds can push it further into the ear canal, causing blockages that can lead to infections and hearing problems. Additionally, the pressure applied by the cotton bud can cause the earwax to become impacted, making it even harder to remove.

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3. Increases risk of infections

When cotton buds are used in the ear, they can bring bacteria and other harmful substances from the outside into the ear canal, increasing the risk of infections. This can lead to painful conditions such as otitis externa, also known as swimmer’s ear.

4. Can cause tinnitus

Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears that can be caused by damage to the inner ear. Using cotton buds to clean the ears can cause injury to the delicate tissues in the ear and lead to tinnitus.

5. Not necessary for cleaning

The ear canal is self-cleaning, and earwax naturally moves from the ear to the opening where it can be wiped away. Using cotton buds to clean the ear is unnecessary and can cause more harm than good….S££ MOR£

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