Marry Slessor was a Scottish Presbyterian Missionary who worked in Calabar, Nigeria in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is known for her work to stop the practice of twin killing among the Efik people, a group indigenous to the Calabar region.

In many traditional African societies, twins were often seen as a curse or bad omen and were often killed at birth. Slessor arrived in Calabar in 1876 and quickly became aware of this practice. She began rescuing twin infants and raising them as her own. She took in over 100 twins during her time in Calabar and also worked to educate the local community about the value and importance of every human life.

Slessor’s efforts were not always well received by the local community. Many traditional leaders saw her as a threat to their culture and way of life. Despite this, Slessor persisted in her work, even when she faced persecution and death threats.

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Slessor’s work not only saved the lives of countless twin infants but also helped to change attitudes towards twins in the Calabar region. Her efforts were eventually recognized and celebrated by the local community, who came to see her as a protector and friend.

Slessor lived in Calabar for 38 years, until she died in 1915. Her legacy lives on in the many twins and children she saved, as well as in the changes she helped bring about in the attitudes of the Efik people towards twins and the value of human life. She was a pioneering Christian missionary with a deep love for the people of Nigeria, and her work continues to be celebrated by many.

Marry Slessor was a remarkable woman who truly made a difference in the lives of many. Her courage and determination in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to all those who seek to make a positive impact on the world around them….S££ MOR£

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