Pastor Benny Hinn is the founder and presiding General Overseer of Texas based Benny Hinn Ministries. The cleric renowned for his Holy Spirit messages has taken to his official Facebook page to share the video of a message he delivered about the attitude of people to the Lord Jesus Christ.
According to the cleric, in his words, from 0:01 to 0:23 of the video; “Many people want Jesus as their saviour but not as their Lord. They don’t want to submit to His authority; they just want him as their saviour.”
According to the cleric; “their prayers is all about his saving power. “O Lord, save my soul, so I can make heaven. But, I don’t want to submit to you, I don’t want to submit to your authority.”
Well, in such a case, they cannot be saved! Even, the Lord Jesus Christ says concerning this that, why do you call me Lord when you would not do what I tell you? It is really and truly about His being Lord and savior, Saviour and Lord. Not just being Saviour. You must see Him as your Savior and at the same time, as your Lord. It is then you would achieve anything from Him.”….Sée Móre
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