In a recent video on YouTube from 4 hours 46 minutes, Pastor Enoch Adeboye delivered a compelling message of faith and divine intervention, asserting God’s power to reverse even the most impossible situations. This declaration followed a remarkable testimony of healing that highlighted God’s ability to overturn irreversible conditions.

His message emphasized the sovereignty of God over all circumstances and the power of faith in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. By sharing the testimony and making a bold declaration, Pastor Adeboye sought to reassure believers that no situation is beyond God’s ability to change.

According to him, “From the Testimony you heard tonight, God has the power to reverse the irreversible. And by the way, I want to thank the Almighty God for that Testimony. Because when I heard in Israel that there was a child with irreversible stroke in the brain, I said in my spirit the Devil is a liar. The God that I serve is still on his throne. The irreversible has to be reversed. On this note, I decree to somebody here today that everything the enemy had called irreversible in your life shall be reversed today in the mighty name of Jesus.”…..Sée Móre

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