Pleasing a woman is important in any relationship, but it’s also important to understand that certain actions can harm the relationship instead of helping it. Here are four things you should never do to please a woman:

1. Don’t compromise your values or beliefs

It’s important to be true to yourself and not change who you are to make someone else happy. This can lead to resentment and an unhealthy relationship.

2. Don’t ignore your own needs and desires

It’s also important to prioritize your happiness and well-being. This means that you should not sacrifice your own goals and aspirations for the sake of a relationship.

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3. Don’t ignore red flags

If a woman is exhibiting behavior that makes you uncomfortable or is causing harm, it’s important to address it and not ignore it in an attempt to please her. Ignoring red flags will only lead to a toxic and potentially dangerous situation.

4. Don’t sacrifice your happiness

Pleasing a woman should never come at the cost of your happiness. If you find yourself sacrificing your happiness to please your partner, it may be time to reassess the relationship and prioritize your well-being….S££ MOR£

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