They say men are adventurous and love the thrill of the chase. Oh well, while some women can sustain a man’s interest in them for as long as they want, some women act in ways that make a man want to pull away from them.

This isn’t to say that men don’t have minds of their own and can’t decide to become disinterested in a relationship for whatever reasons. However, you’ll know that in this case, their decision has nothing to do with your actions. But what are those acts of yours that can make him lose interest in being with you? Nevertheless, Below are 4 things that can make a man lose interest in a relationship.

1. A woman who is not comfortable with his man

As a lady, you should feel at peace, relaxed when you’re with your man. If you don’t, then you are probably on the wrong ship. Apart from the fact that being insecure could make him feel you don’t trust him, it could be so tiring trying to assure you over and over all the time that you’re safe with him, that he’s all yours.

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2. Women that claim ownership of their men

No one’s going to take your man from you if he’s truly yours. A lady that claims ownership of her man monitors his every move, gets suspicious just because she does not want him to be with someone else is unknowingly pushing her man away. A little possessiveness is fun, but overdoing it sends the wrong signal to a man. Men get tired when a lady is trying to have complete control over them, this makes them lose interest and walk away.

3. Women who are eager to get married 

I encourage women to know what they want, go for it, and never settle for a time-waster. However, if you are with a man, especially when you are just getting to know each other, and all you wanna talk about is marriage, marriage, marriage. I understand that it’s hard not to be desperate especially when age is a villain, but take time to enjoy the relationship and don’t be desperate. Being desperate isn’t exactly the problem, but what desperation can make you do. If you think you’ve had enough time together and the relationship should move to the next level but he’s not saying anything, then he certainly has reasons for not doing that.

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4. Pretending to be what you are not

One of the qualities of an attractive woman is authenticity being genuine, being yourself, not trying to impress anyone by being who or what you are not. Being authentic makes a man love you for who you are. He’ll know how to love you because he understands the real you and what makes you tick. If you pretend to be who you are not, and he senses foul play, he might lose interest in you because he doesn’t know the real you, thus, you can’t be trusted….S££ MOR£

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