Did you know that your skin can reveal clues about your health, including potential diabetes? High blood sugar levels can cause subtle changes in your skin, especially in areas like the neck and armpits. Let’s explore four common skin signs that may indicate diabetes or pre-diabetes.

1. Velvety Dark Skin Patches 

If you notice dark, velvety skin patches on your neck, armpits, groin, or other areas, it could be a sign of excess insulin in your blood, potentially indicating diabetes. This condition, known as acanthosis nigricans, affects nearly half of diabetic patients, many of whom are unaware of their condition.

2. Discolored Patches 

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At first, it may resemble a pimple, but over time, it develops into a swollen, elevated patch with a raised surface. These patches can be yellow, reddish, or brown and may be accompanied by shiny, painful skin. If you notice these symptoms, consult a dermatologist.

3. Skin Tags and Moles

Skin tags are common, small growths that hang from the skin. Having multiple skin tags on your neck and armpits could indicate type 2 diabetes or excess insulin in your blood.

4. Consult a Dermatologist

If you experience two or more of these symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a dermatologist promptly. Diabetes can lead to various skin issues, and while most are not life-threatening, they can lead to serious complications if left untreated….S££ MOR£

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