In a candid interview on Arise TV from 0:56, Former President, Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People, Ledum Mitee expressed his belief in President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to addressing the Ogoni people’s issues, citing two primary reasons.

First, Mitee referred to Tinubu’s history of supporting the Ogoni struggle, as both Mitee and Tinubu were in exile together during the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) movement for justice in Nigeria.

Second, Mitee pointed out that Tinubu’s commitment is genuine, as his statements on the matter have been unprompted and demonstrated his personal dedication to the cause.

In summary, Mitee argued that President Tinubu’s past support for the Ogoni people and his sincere dedication to their struggles warrant trust in his intentions to address their concerns and bring about positive change.

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According to Ledum Mitee, “Well, I think we should believe the president (Tinubu) for two reasons. The first is looking at his own pedigree as someone who has been in the struggle to shoulder with us, the Ogoni people. I personally was in exile with him; we held meetings together because the NADECO struggle was also about justice. So, someone with that pedigree, you should believe him. The second reason: it was not something done out of maybe people going to see him and then he now made that statement; it came out from himself. So, I think he deserves that we should believe him.”

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