Patience Adaidu, the sister of the late Salome Adaidu, has shared more details about how her sister’s death was discovered. She explained that the police informed the family about how Timileyin Ajayi, the suspect, was caught with Salome’s head by some civilians

Speaking during a video with Brekete Family program from 37:14, a TV program focused on human rights, Patience said the motorcyclist who transported Ajayi from his home in Orozo community noticed blood stains on his bag, however, the motorcyclist didn’t question him initially because they were traveling through a less busy route.

Patience said when they arrived in Oke, the motorcyclist saw a group of men and decided to alert them about the suspicious bag. He told them he didn’t know what Ajayi was carrying and when they questioned Ajayi, he claimed the bag contained cow meat he had purchased from a butcher. She said when they forced the bag open, they found Salome’s severed head inside and this discovery led to Ajayi’s arrest.

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In Patience’s words: “When they asked [Ajayi] he said he carried cow meat which he bought from abattoir. They told him to open the bag and he hesitated but when they opened the bag they saw my sister’s head”

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