A refrigerator or freezer is a must-have equipment for any home. It helps us keep our food supplies preserved and safe. To put it simply, freezers help you save a lot of money by cutting down on food waste. You should also know that you can’t freeze everything in the grocery store.

Flavors of some foods can be substantially altered by the freezing process. It’s possible that this will make them less desirable as food and even dangerous to eat for humans. Not all foods can or should be frozen, despite common perception. Look at them over here;

1. Onions.

When stored in the cold and humid conditions of a refrigerator, the starch in an onion is converted into sugar. Furthermore, the entire refrigerator would be infused with the pungent aroma and flavor of onions. Keep onions in a dish with holes cut in the bottom or an open air bag.

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2. Eggs.

Don’t let perfectly good eggs go to waste by freezing them. Whisking an egg prevents the water within from expanding and cracking in the freezer, whereas a hard-boiled egg can’t be frozen for more than a few months without breaking. Not only that, but the inner whites will freeze if it doesn’t melt. If you want your eggs to retain their texture, you should keep them in the fridge or a cool, dry spot.

3. Fried Foods.

The flavor of fried foods is dull when they are hot, but great when they are cold. If you freeze them, reheating them will be so tough that you may never eat them again. Fried yam, plantain, eggs, potatoes, pork, and other meals should never be stored in the fridge.

4. Fully cooked noodles or pasta.

Instant noodles and cooked pasta lose their texture and flavor when frozen. They can form strong bonds and soften to astonishing degrees.

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5. Leafy vegetables. 

Avoid putting leafy green vegetables in the fridge. Vegetables like a fluted pumpkin, water leaves, bitter leaves, and others like them are at their tastiest and most nutritious when used immediately after being harvested. If you freeze them, they will lose all of their quality. Being so saturated with water, the freezer will transform them into solid ice blocks.

6. Tubers. 

A few examples of tuberous fruits and vegetables are yams, potatoes, and coco yams. These vegetables are classified as tubers because of their underground growth. Due to their high carbohydrate content, they are very calorically dense and full of starch. When placed in the refrigerator, many types of foods turn watery and starchy….S££ MOR£

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