Ephraim Onyeomereneche, the father of Emmanuel Onyeomereneche, a Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Cadet officer, has claimed that his son was murdered, despite initial reports suggesting he drowned. Emmanuel was alleged to have died in a swimming pool in Umuahia after being picked up by his friend Valentine for a swimming outing.

However in a video recently shared by TVC from 1:10, Ephraim narrated that Valentine and some of Emmanuel’s mates from the NDA came to his house to take Emmanuel to a swimming pool. He said Valentine, who was also a student in the same department as Emmanuel, arrived with a car said to belong to his brother, a policeman. He said after Emmanuel’s death, his friends did not immediately inform him and they did not pick up his calls when he tried to reach them.

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Ephraim said an autopsy conducted by the NDA later revealed that Emmanuel did not die by drowning. Instead, he had been struck on the back of the head with a heavy object which caused a fatal skull fracture. He said this proves his son was killed and thrown into the pool afterward. He added that based on the autopsy results, which they now have a copy of, his family wants justice for Emmanuel.

In Ephraim’s words: “He drowned according to you and you did not call me. I was calling his line but you did not pick even though you were with the phone. The autopsy confirmed that he never drowned and he was not poisoned. The autopsy confirmed he was murdered by being hit at the back of the head with a heavy metal that broke his skull. That was the result of the autopsy and I am with a copy”

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