In a recent video on YouTube from 1 hour 25 minutes 25 seconds, Bishop David Oyedepo revealed the importance of following God’s precise instructions, using a personal anecdote from Canaanland as an example. He recounted an incident involving the placement of the Ark on the Canaanland property.

He emphasized that every aspect of the property belongs to God and must align with His directives. He further admonished believers to cease making assumptions about God’s will and to actively seek His guidance.

According to him, “On Canaanland property, the Ark was put there on the other side. God said to me “I would not have gone there with you. I told you this is the place of my appearance and you are carrying it there.” That’s how detailed it is. He is the owner of all the property. We now said let us put this your thing here. He said no, did I tell you that? I said that is where I want to put it. You said there is Faith Academy. Go and be in Faith Academy. So we pulled it down. It is His money, it is His instruction. Stop guessing, that is why you are a man of God. You are a believer. Stop guessing. “I know my sheep, they know my voice.” Let them position to hear my voice.”….Seë_Morë

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