In a recent sermon, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, delivered a stern warning against self-idolatry and the dangers of seeking personal worship while speaking on the theme “Faith In Christ: Saving Faith, Healing Faith.’

Pastor Kumuyi cautioned, “If you make yourself a god and you want people to bow to you, you have broken the first commandment,” speaking to those who elevate themselves to a god-like status and desire others to bow to them, giving a clear warning against self exaltation and self idolatry.

He emphasized that this behavior violates the foundational commandment given by God and leads one away from true faith.

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“The fact that you call the name of Jesus when something happens to you does not mean that you are godly. We are not to make any image of anything to bow to it, but there are some things we hold so dear that has become an idol,” Pastor Kumuyi explained. He stressed that even intangible idols, such as personal ambitions or material possessions, can detract from genuine devotion to God.

Referencing Acts 5:30-31, Pastor Kumuyi highlighted that Jesus, exalted by God as the Prince and Savior, offers repentance and forgiveness of sins. He reiterated that salvation is a divine gift, not something achieved through personal merit or adherence to the law.

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“There are times you want to repent and you can’t. You want to be sorrowful for your sins but your heart is hard and tough. It is like someone is manipulating your heart. But our God is so good, He gives us forgiveness by Himself and salvation,” he said, emphasizing the transformative power of divine grace….Sëë_Morë

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