In a recent YouTube video, Prophet Joshua Iginla, founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, expressed deep concerns about the current state of the church.

He criticized the excessive focus on spirituality at the expense of practical living, arguing that this imbalance is detrimental to the well-being of congregants.

“The church has been minimized in the name of spirituality,” Iginla stated. “We are trying to market what the world will not buy from us. Yes, we are called to preach Christ and save souls. That’s the sum total of it – preach Christ and save souls. But there are certain things we need to know for living on this earth. Occupy till I come. We are not of this world, but we are living in this world.”

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Iginla emphasized that while spiritual practices such as speaking in tongues are important, they do not address the practical needs of life. “Speaking in tongues will not pay your house rent, children’s school fees, or take care of your wife,” he noted.

He pointed out that this overemphasis on spirituality is one of the reasons for the breakdown in the church. “Many fathers of faith have discovered the truth but are still spiritualizing it,” Iginla lamented.

He criticized the practice of keeping members in church for extended hours, which he argued takes away from their ability to engage in economic activities necessary for sustaining their families.

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“Members come to church from Monday to Sunday, spending hours that should be for economic activities,” Iginla said. “They lose their ability to fend for their families because pastors want them in church, giving tithes and offerings. Let’s not lose focus on what we need to do to sustain ourselves in this world.”….Seë_Morë

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