Sabbath in Christianity is a day set aside for rest and worship which was mandated for the Israelites in the Ten Commandments in line with God’s blessing of the seventh day. It was highly observed because God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. The practice was associated with the assembly of the people to worship in synagogues on the day known as the Sabbath.

Early Christians which are mainly Jewish observed the seventh-day Sabbath with prayer and rest but gathered on the first day which was Sunday at sunset. At the beginning of the second century Ignatius of Antioch approved non-observance of the Sabbath. Majority of Christians started observing Sabbath on Sunday which was called the Lord’s Day, rather than the Jewish seventh-day Sabbath as a day of rest and worship.

After the death of the original apostles, new ideas began to evolve into Christianity. During the second century, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria attacked Sabbath observance.

Roman Emperor Constantine and the Catholic Church established Sunday as a day of rest. This was later approved by all the christians in the world….S££ MOR£  

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