Social media users have taken to their official X account on Friday to react after it was announced that the former governor of Anambra state, Peter Obi has offered to take Dele Farotimi’s bail conditions.
This announcement was made by the National Coordinator of the Obidient Movement, Dr. Yunusa Tanko.
According to Channels TV, the Magistrate Court in Ekiti granted N30 million bail to the human rights activist. He was told to provide two sureties and restricted from granting interviews.
Reacting, Yunusa Tanko said he consulted Peter Obi after the judgement of the court and he has offered to take the bail conditions.
According to Yunusa Tanko on his page;
“I consulted HE PO as the leader of the Obidient Movement. As a respecter of rule of law, due process and order, he offered to take Dele Farotimi’s bail conditions. He thanked our courts”.
The post has attracted several comments from social media users after it was shared online.
You can read some comments from the screenshots that have been provided below.