Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, is infamous for his betrayal, leading to Jesus’ crucifixion. However, there is more to Judas’ story than this singular act. Delving into his background, role among the disciples, motivations, and fate reveals a complex figure, challenging the one-dimensional view of him as a traitor.

1. The Name and Background

Judas’ surname, “Iscariot,” likely indicates his origin from Kerioth in Judea, distinguishing him from the other disciples, who hailed from Galilee. This regional difference may have influenced his perceptions and decisions, making him a unique voice among the apostles.

2. The Trusted Treasurer

Judas held the important position of treasurer, managing the group’s finances and resources. Jesus’ trust in him underscores Judas’ responsibility and integrity, showcasing a facet beyond his infamous betrayal.

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3. Motives Behind the Betrayal

The reasons behind Judas’ betrayal remain debated. Theories range from political motivations to a desire for Jesus to demonstrate divine power. Some suggest greed played a role, as he received thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal. The multiplicity of theories highlights the complexity of Judas’ actions.

4. A Divided Fate

The Bible presents two accounts of Judas’ fate after the betrayal. In Matthew, he succumbs to remorse, attempts to return the money, and ultimately takes his own life. In Acts, he purchases a field with the blood money and meets a gruesome end. These differing narratives reflect the early Christian struggle to comprehend Judas’ destiny.…Sée Móre

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