As per a video shared NTA, the Cross River State Police Command has uncovered a shocking case involving Mathias Amunde, who murdered his mother, 50-year-old Justina Amunde, in a ritualistic attempt to gain wealth. Initially reported as a missing person after allegedly attending a night vigil, the investigation revealed a premeditated act of matricide.
Commissioner of Police Austin Grimah shared details of Mathias’ confession, recounting how the suspect admitted to the crime during interrogation. Grimah explained that Mathias had been influenced by a friend who suggested that using his mother’s head in a ritual would result in financial prosperity. This external manipulation appeared to drive Mathias’ actions, which led to the tragic death of his mother.
Police investigations further revealed that Mathias, with the help of friends, not only carried out the heinous act but also disposed of his mother’s body by dumping it in a well in an attempt to conceal the crime. The case has drawn significant public attention, with authorities continuing to stress the need for vigilance against the influence of harmful beliefs.
The police investigations revealed a far more sinister truth. “I asked him is it true that you murdered somebody and he said yes,”
The person standing beside him was the one that told him that if he wants to make money he should bring the head of his mother,” Grimah explained, highlighting the manipulative external pressure that allegedly drove the heinous act.
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