Have you ever wondered why women sometimes seem to be playing hard to get or testing your patience? It’s because they’re trying to figure out if you’re a “real man” or just a “boy”.

Women often use subtle tests to evaluate a man’s character, social status, and maturity. Here are some common tests women use to judge men:

1. The “Playing Hard to Get” Test

Women may act uninterested to see if you’re a high-value man who won’t easily give up.

2. The Anger Test

Women observe how you handle anger and frustration. Keep your cool, and you’ll pass!

3. The Confidence Test

A woman may criticize you to see how confident you are. Remember, Abraham Lincoln said, “You can tell a lot about a man by the things that agitate him.”

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4. The Jealousy Test

If a woman confides in you about another man’s interest or even kisses someone else in front of you, stay calm and uninterested. This shows you’re a secure and respectable man. Passing these tests doesn’t mean playing games or pretending to be someone you’re not. It’s about being confident, mature, and respectful….S££ MOR£

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