A viral video that was posted by Channels TV has captured the moment the governor of Zamfara State, Dauda Lawal was speaking about the actions of terrorists in his state and the entire nation.
In the video, the Zamfara State governor commended the Nigerian army for its roles in trying to eliminate the terrorists but insisted that a lot of things still need to be done in curbing the menace.
Gov Dauda Lawal stated that if he had the complete power over the security agencies in his state, he will take out all the bandits within a month. He also stated that the days of notorious bandit, Bello Turji are numbered.
According to Channels TV, the Gov of Zamfara State said that;
“If I had the complete power to be in charge of all the security operatives in my state as I said in my previous interviews, this bandit issues within one month we should be able to take them out.”
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