During an interview on Arise TV, Dr. Sam Amadi, an Arise analyst, discussed the actions of Southeast governors in addressing regional security concerns.

Dr. Amadi recounted an incident involving Dave Umahi, who was the chairman of the Southeast Governors Forum at the time. He mentioned that Umahi’s own brother, Jeremiah, held the position of chairman of the security committee.

According to Dr. Amadi, Dave Umahi frustrated his brother Jeremiah’s efforts in this role, leading to Jeremiah’s public resignation. This incident highlighted internal conflicts and inefficiencies within the regional security framework.

Dr. Amadi explained that there had been calls for the Southeast governors to establish their own security structure, similar to the formation of Amotekun in the Southwest. These calls were in response to the growing threat posed by killer herdsmen.

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He out that the inaction of the governors in setting up a robust security apparatus contributed to the rise of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and their Eastern Security Network (ESN). This was seen as a grassroots response to the perceived security vacuum. Dr. Amadi placed the blame squarely on the Southeast governors for their failure to proactively address the security threats, suggesting that their lack of decisive action led to increased regional instability.

In the Video From 07:57, Hear him: “When Dave Umahi was the chairman of the Southeast Governors Forum, his own brother, Jeremiah, was the chairman of the security committee. Umahi frustrated his brother and his brother resigned publicly. We asked them when Amotekun was set up, set up your structure, respond to the threat of the killer herdsmen, which was the reason IPOB came up with the ESN. So I blame the governors.”….Sée Móre

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