According to the report from the Sun, a former Minister of Health, Prof ABC Nwosu pointed out that certain actions and policies in Nigeria have led to frustration and a sense of rejection among some groups, who may consequently desire to create their own separate citizenship.

He argued that instead of pushing for division, the country should focus on restructuring and decentralizing power from the central government to the federating units.

By doing so, regions like the East would hold their local governments, such as Enugu, accountable for their issues rather than directing blame towards the federal capital, Abuja.

This shift in responsibility and power distribution could promote better governance and alleviate the tensions caused by the current centralized system.

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According to ABC Nwosu, “There are things that are being done blatantly that annoy people and these people say, a person rejected doesn’t reject himself. If you think for example that I shouldn’t be a citizen of Nigeria, then let me create my own citizenship. But nobody has thought of it this way that if you restructure and remove many of the powers from the centre to the federating units, those in the East will stop blaming Abuja, they will start blaming Enugu for their problems if Enugu is their capital.”

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