In an interview with Arise News from 11:56, Dr. Sam Amadi, Director of the Abuja School of Social and Political Thoughts, addressed the controversy surrounding Felix Morka’s recent remarks about Peter Obi.

Dr. Amadi focused on Morka’s use of the term “consequence” in his statements, which he argued was problematic in the Nigerian political context.

According to Amadi, the word “consequence” in this instance could be interpreted as a veiled threat, implying potential state action or even arrest in response to Obi’s political speech.

He explained that such language could easily be perceived as an attempt to stifle political opposition, thus escalating tensions unnecessarily.

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Dr. Amadi clarified that while Morka’s critiques of Obi’s policies and political stance were reasonable and within the bounds of fair political discourse, the introduction of the term “consequence” was out of place.

In the interview, Dr. Sam Amadi stated, “He said there would be consequence. That consequence in the Nigerian context will be rightly read as maybe there will be an arrest, maybe the state is now going to move against this person. Basically, the word consequence is needless in that statement and that’s what created a problem for Felix. His other analyses, his other engagement and attack against Peter Obi are reasonable and fair but when you say there’s consequence, it’s really a supercilious language because what other consequence should exist for political speech rather than a counter political speech.”

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