In a video recently shared by AIT from 1:54, Muzamil Abubakar confessed that he killed his father by poisoning his food and then cutting his body into pieces before burying him in a shallow grave within their compound.

While being paraded by the police in Niger State, Abubakar said he had deep hatred for his father and he had suffered unbearable torture at his hands. He said the treatment he endured from his father was so harsh that he believed no one else could have endured it.

In Abubakar’s words: “As I cooked the food, I put poison in his food, then he ate the food and died. After he died, out of fear, I used hoe to cut the body and bury it inside the compound. He offended me, the torture I went through that day, I know that no human being can go through that and survive it”….Sêe_Morē

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