Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has taken to his verified Twitter account to criticize the United States for exerting undue influence on the policymaking processes of other nations.

Khamenei argued that the US expects officials in other countries to prioritize American interests alongside their own national agendas, which he described as a direct threat to democratic governance.

“The US demands that officials in all other countries take into consideration the interests of the US too when they’re designing policies on various issues,” Khamenei tweeted. “This is a threat to democracy because people have elected us to work in their interest, not in the interest of the US.”

The statement highlights Khamenei’s long-standing critique of what he perceives as American interventionism. It reflects Iran’s broader stance on preserving sovereignty and resisting what the Supreme Leader often terms as “Western domination.” This sentiment has been a recurring theme in Khamenei’s rhetoric, particularly in response to US foreign policies that he claims undermine the independence of other nations.

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Observers note that Khamenei’s comments come at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions, with Iran frequently clashing with the US over issues ranging from nuclear programs to regional influence in the Middle East. Critics of American foreign policy have similarly argued that the US often leverages its economic and military power to shape the internal decisions of other countries, sometimes at the expense of local priorities.

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