According to a report that was published by Channels TV on Tuesday, the Edo state government has told the former governor of Edo state, Godwin Obaseki, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in the Edo state 2024 governorship election, Asue Ighodalo and other government officials to return all official vehicles in their possession within 72 hours.
According to report, the Edo state government claimed that most of the vehicles have been transferred from Edo state to several parts of the country.
The Edo state government said if Godwin Obaseki, Asue Ighodalo and others fail to return all the government vehicles in their possession, they will do the needful.
According to Channels TV, Edo state government said;
“The committee also listed the names of officials attached to the previous administration who are allegedly still in possession of government vehicles, and advised that such vehicles be returned within 72 hours. We are giving them another 72 hours to do the needful. If they fail to do it, then, we will do the needful”.