An Human Rights Lawyer and NLC Legal Representative, Maxwell Opara has clarified a misconception reported by some media outlets that the NLC President, Joe Ajaero declined a police invitation. He explained that Ajaero received the invitation on the 19th and was requested to appear on the 20th, which is less than 24 hours’ notice. He emphasized that this is an unusually short timeframe especially considering Ajaero’s status as a Labour leader.

He explained that due to prior engagements, Ajaero’s team requested an extension, submitting a letter to the police on the 20th. He stated that they proposed August 29th as an alternative date leaving room for the police to suggest another date if needed. He identified that Ajaero is not above the law and did not refuse the invitation.

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He said in an interview with AIT From 0:30, ”I want to correct the impression that was carried out by some media houses that Joe Ajaero refused to honour the police invitation, it was a false reportage. The invitation was given to Joe Ajaero on the 19th and he was asked to appear on the 20th. You are asking a Labour Leader to report himself in less than 24 hours I have been practicing law for many years and I have been receiving invitation from the police to my clients, I have never seen anyone than is less than one week.

So upon receiving the invitation, Joe Ajaero had some other engagements because he is a Labour Leader. So we resolved that those of us in the Labour team will need to notify the police that we are applying for an extension until the 29th or August. So we submitted that letter yesterday to the police and it was acknowledged. So if that 29th of August is not convenient with them, they can suggest another day but 29th of August is what we deemed to be convenient for our client. So Ajaero did not refuse to honour the invitation, he is not above the law.”

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