Former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, recently shared a humorous story during an interview with Channels Television from 5.43. The story revolved around a visit by the late former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter, to Nigeria in the late 1970s. This visit was historic as Carter was the first American president to officially pay a state visit to an African country.
Obasanjo explained how he had hoped for Carter to win the U.S. presidential election at the time, as his policies aligned more with Nigeria’s aspirations. Before Carter’s visit, his close ally, Andy Young, was sent to Nigeria to establish connections. Obasanjo described Carter as a leader who understood Nigeria’s development challenges and who shared a vision for stronger U.S.-Africa relations.
Recalling Carter’s visit, Obasanjo shared a lighthearted famous joke about him and Carter’s visit. While giving Carter a tour of Lagos by helicopter, he pointed out various areas like Victoria Island and Apapa. However, when they reached a certain location, the former president jokingly said he couldn’t identify it. He stretched out his hand, and his wristwatch “disappeared.” In jest, he said, “This is Ajegunle.”
Ajegunle, known for its vibrant but challenging environment, became the punchline of this anecdote. The story highlights not just Obasanjo’s humor but also the camaraderie he shared with Carter.
Obasanjo concluded by noting that their friendship extended well beyond their time in office, reflecting a bond built on mutual respect and shared goals for progress. This memorable story captures a blend of diplomacy, humor, and history in Nigeria-U.S. relations.
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