Yusuf Dalhatu, a resident of Magazawa, confirmed during a phone interview with Daily Trust that numerous residents of his village had fled due to fear of attacks by the notorious bandits led by Dogo Gide. He explained that the uncertainty surrounding the bandits’ demands for levies has left many families with no choice but to abandon their homes and seek safety elsewhere.
In a report by Daily Trust, Dalhatu himself relocated to Gusau, while his family sought refuge in Tsafe town. He expressed the pervasive anxiety within his community, noting that the bandits could arrive at any moment to demand the imposed levies. Failure to meet these demands, he feared, would lead to violent retaliation and possibly the complete sacking of the village.
He further described the situation in Magazawa as dire, with residents making hasty decisions to leave their homes for fear of the unpredictable actions of the bandits. His brother Ibrahim and his family were among those who had relocated, joining the growing number of displaced persons now scattered across safer parts of the state.
The bandits’ threats have left communities like Magazawa almost deserted, with only a few residents remaining behind. Dalhatu revealed that those who stayed often sent their families away first while they made final preparations to leave. The uncertainty has created a climate of fear that continues to disrupt the lives of those affected.
The fear and exodus described by Dalhatu illustrate the wider crisis facing Tsafe Local Government Area, where communities are struggling to survive under the constant threat of banditry. Without decisive action from the authorities, the situation is likely to deteriorate further, leaving more families displaced and vulnerable.
In his remarks, “As I am speaking with you, I am in Gusau and my family are in Tsafe town. I cannot stay in Magazu because the bandits can at any time come to the village to collect the levy and if they do not get what they want, they will surely sack the village. My brother, Ibrahim and his family have relocated to Tsafe. In fact, several people have left the Magazu community because of the uncertainty.”
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