The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu speaking directly in an address to the Iranian people has urged them to consider the possibilities of living without fear, where they could express their opinions openly and share laughter without the threat of imprisonment. He specifically noted Israel’s advanced desalination technology and their willingness to offer assistance to help rebuild Iran’s deteriorating water infrastructure.

He contrasted this hopeful vision with the current reality, emphasizing that billions of dollars, which could be used to enhance the lives of ordinary Iranians, are instead squandered on unwinnable wars. He highlighted how these funds could be redirected towards essential needs like education, infrastructure, and healthcare.

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He said in an interview with All Israel News from 1:08, ‘Just imagine how your life could be different if Iran was free. You could speak your mind without fear; you could make a joke without wondering if you’d be carted off to Evin prison. Close your eyes and picture the faces of your children – beautiful, innocent souls. Think of the endless potential they would have, and their entire lives are ahead of them.

Imagine how your children’s lives would look if billions of dollars were invested in them instead of being wasted on wars that can’t be won. They would receive world-class education; you would receive beautiful roads, advanced hospitals, clean water. You know Israel has the world’s most advanced desalination system, and Israel be happy to help rebuild Iran’s collapsing water infrastructure. These are so many other things that you could have, but that’s what Khamenei’s regime denies you every single day.”

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