A viral video that was posted on the official X account of Channels TV on Thursday has captured the moment the Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu was speaking about moving more customers to Band A.
In the video, Adelabu stated that the Power Ministry is considering moving more customers to Band A instead of increasing electricity tariffs.
He said this is because 90% of Nigerians who are currently in Band A have confirmed the benefits.
According to Adebayo Adelabu;
“Tariff issues and migration to Band A. I want to state authoritatively that about 90% of people have confirmed the benefits of being in Band A.
“We understand it can’t be 100% but we are working on the remaining 10% or 15%. So we are thinking that instead of increasing the tariffs, what we should be doing is to migrate more customers to the Band A”.
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