CSP El-Mustapha Sani, head of the Police Complaint Response Unit, has stated that before late President Yar’Adua took office, police salaries were very low. He said when he was an Assistant Superintendent of Police, he earned only 36,000 naira.

In a video shared by Channels TV from 17:07, Sani said when Yar’Adua became the leader, he increased the salaries of police officers. He said his salary rose from 36,000 naira to 120,000 naira. He said this big increase made a huge difference in the lives of police officers at the time.

In Sani’s words: “I was an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) before Yar’Adua came and my salary was 36,000 naira, but when Yar’Adua came and improved the salary of police officers, my salary became 120,000 naira. Just see the difference between 36,000 naira and 120,000 naira. That is a very big gap”…..Sée Móre

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