In a recent post on Facebook, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye addressed a common misunderstanding regarding John 14:2, which states, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Bamiloye explained that some individuals have questioned the validity of this verse, asking, “How can many mansions be inside one house?” They argue that it is a mistake and incorrect.

Evangelist Bamiloye responded to this skepticism by emphasizing the boundless nature of God’s dwelling. He pointed out that those who question this verse often overlook the vastness and magnificence of heaven. “The whole of heaven is His dwelling place, and even the entire heaven is His throne,” Bamiloye stated. He referenced Acts 7:49, which says, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool.”

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He explained that understanding the verse requires recognizing the metaphorical and spiritual language often used in the Bible. He noted that in biblical terms, the concept of “house” and “mansions” transcends human understanding of physical space. “God’s dwelling is not confined to our limited perception of space and structures,” he said.

According to him, “Heaven Is His Dwelling Place. John 14:2 says “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”. What is difficult to understand in this Verse? Because Somebody asked: “How can Many Mansions be inside One House? That it is a mistake, it is not correct.”

“But the man has forgotten to remember that, the Whole Of Heaven Is His Dwelling place and even the entire heaven is his throne. In Acts 7:49 the Bible says “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool.”….Sêe_Morē

See also  I Just Saw A Dream Of Rapture This Morning And It Was Too Frightening - Mike Bamiloye

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