Supplication is a powerful tool for Christians to connect with God and receive answers to their prayers. However, many Christians struggle with effective supplication, leading to unanswered prayers and a weakened faith. In this article, we will explore four essential things to avoid during supplication to ensure your prayers are heard and answered.

1. Lack of Faith

Faith is a spiritual gift that enables us to believe without doubting God’s promises. Mark 11:22-23 says, “Jesus addressed them, ‘Have faith in God. I assure you that whoever tells this mountain to get up and hurl itself into the sea and doesn’t question in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be accomplished for him.'” Doubting God’s ability while praying is the worst thing you can do as a Christian. Your faith in God determines what you receive from Him.

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2. Impure Hands and Heart

You cannot disobey God and expect Him to answer your prayers. Isaiah 59:1-2 says, “See, the Lord’s hand is not shortened in any way that it cannot save, nor his ear dull with deafness that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he won’t hear.” Avoid sin and approach God with a pure heart if you want your prayers to be answered.

3. Negligence

Psalm 100:1-2 says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing.” God wants you to approach Him with a childlike attitude, not with complaints and grumbling. Start your prayers by recognizing and thanking Him for what He has done. Don’t complain from the beginning to the end of your prayer.

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4. Insincere Prayer

For your prayers to be answered, you must approach God with a genuine heart. Matthew 11:12 says, “From the time John preached his message until this very day, the kingdom of heaven has suffered violent assaults and vicious men try to seize it.” Don’t approach God with a weak attitude or deceitful intentions. A genuine prayer is the only prayer that moves heaven….S££ MOR£

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