Reverend Idowu Animasawun, who happens to be a former music instructor at the Nigerian Army in Abeokuta, has narrated how the officers that were killed during the 1966 coup were brutally killed in Lagos State, as he also alleged he lost many Igbo friends who were military officers during the coup.

Animasawun, while speaking during a podcast (Between 5-8 minutes) hosted by Edmund Obilo, said that he met many top Nigerian military officers at Abeokuta, including Aguyi Ironsi and others.

He said, “Tony Amadi was just a corporal when he was killed that night. Himself, his younger brother David Amadi…it was a terrible story. I lost many friends and they were mostly Igbos. It’s a sad story Edmund, when the thing happened, Lieutenant Colonel Njoku, was the Commanding Officer of the Battalion at Ikeja; he managed to escape. And then…this case is very sensitive. So, one of the … it’s very sensitive, I don’t know if many people know this because I was an insider.”

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Further talking, he said, “I think this is a classified case, because I was brutal, people were slaughtered. They were taken unaware. They packed the officers in a big guardroom, they were leading them out one by one to slaughter them. As they’re bringing you out, you see somebody that has been slaughtered and you know it’s your turn… I don’t want to talk about it.”

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